Tuesday 9 October 2012

My Individual Plot

Genre: Horror/ Psychological Thriller
Target Audience: 15 - 30 both gender
( I picked this as the characters in my plot are aged around 16 - 18 late teens, this will be a USP for the younger side of my target audience as they will be able to relate to the characters).
A group of young teens aged between 16-18, two male James and Carl and two female Melissa and Carrie-Ann, they are out in the town center of Abergavenny late at night.
             James dares Carl to climb into the back of a old town pub (James filming whats happening on his phone), he attempts to but is stopped by the shouting of the police. The group flee and run off through the town being chased by the police, searching for safety they brake into and old abandoned house. They waited for the police to leave the premises before they clambered out through the window. Just as they were going to leave they noticed their surroundings, fascinated they decided to look around. 
            After an hour or so they are about to make their way out when Carrie-Ann kicks a small wooden plaque off of the floor, she read out "pen y fal hospital for the mentally unstable" whilst trying to read the smaller print of the plaque she is interrupted by a large bang, the group are startled and look down the corridor puzzled the bangs continue getting louder and louder, the group decide this isn't right and want to leave the asylum. Melissa reaches into her bag to search for her phone but it isnt there, she figures that she has lost it. James then reaches into his pocket to use his phone but his phone is missing too, everyones phones were gone. In a stream of panic they ran back to the room the came in to first, in shock to find that the broken window that they had climbed in through was no longer there.
           Unnerved whilst searching for a way out, Carl notices a girl standing at the end of the main corridor, thinking she could maybe help the group approach her, she screams and walks away in a burst of laughter. In complete hysterics the group decide of a way to get out, they decide to find a room with windows and brake free. Whilst searching for a room with windows the group can still hear the girl laughing, they find a room with windows, they search for something to break free with but the girls laughing is getting louder and louder, the group turn around to see her standing in the door way, the lights go out and we hear screams from Melissa and giggles from the creepy girl, the lights flicker back on to find Melissa is gone and the only thing left is bloody hands prints across the floor.
            The group decide they cannot leave without Melissa so they agree to search for her, each grabbing a metal curtain rail, they head back out onto the corridor searching rooms. They come to a bath room where Carl heads for a cubicle, he just about finishes when the young girls laughter is heard again in a rage of panic he tries to escape the cubicle, he is to late the lights go out and yet again all is heard is Carl's screaming and the creepy girls laughing. James and Carrie-Ann are the only ones left. 
             James convinces Carrie-Ann that they should leave and let the police find Melissa and Carl, running for the door at the end of the corridor that has a broken fire exit sign above it James trips, Carrie is a gasp of terror turns around to see James being dragged by his ankles by the laughing creepy girl into the room at the end of the corridor, she continues to the end of the corridor and is about to break through the doors but is stopped by a tap on her shoulder, she turns to come face to face with the creepy girl, her face pale with cuts and bruises and her hair dark and drooped over her face, Carrie-Ann screams but cant run, the girl just smiles, we see the phone drop and so does Carrie-Ann.
            The screen fades to black then back to a shot of the doors opening and Carrie-Ann led on the floor with a knife, she is then surrounded by police officers, she looks up at them and says "my friends she killed them, murderer" we then hear the female police officer say get her to the station, she is mentally unstable.

Trouble making teens break into an abandoned mental institute, where they are contacted by a young girl who was previously abused in the hospital my the members of staff, so to get her revenge she kills off the teens and leaving the final girl mentally ill herself, leaving the question of what happens to Carrie-Ann?