Monday 5 November 2012

Changes made to the film trailer plot

  1. We decided that there should be more shots of Emily and Jack to show their relationship and how Emily is effected by the way he treats her, we placed in more shots to show her jealousy and parts of her possesion, just so the audience can understand more about her story.
  2. also the two of the three killing scenes have been removed so that we don't allow the audience to much of the story, still keeping that code of enigma and mystery.

First Draft of Trailer Plot

A group of four friends decide to go on a camping trip to celebrate the end of summer, before they all go their separate ways to college. This is shown on an over the shoulder shot of a Facebook event giving all the details.
There is cheerful music at the beginning of the trailer showing a tracking shot of Jack driving his car to the campsite unaware that his sister is in the back of his car. Once he arrives at the campsite he gets out of his car and hugs his girlfriend. This annoys Emily and she storms out of the car bringing attention to her.
Jack shouts at Emily for sneaking into the car without permission this upsets Emily and she runs off to hide. Once Jack calms down, after a while he goes to find Emily but realises that she is nowhere in sight.Back at the campsite Tom takes out his camera to film their final time together before they go to college, when he notices a shadow lurking behind the trees.
The next shot is off the group trying to find Emily, when all of a sudden Lauren notices a figure sat the ground with her back towards them, as they approach the figure they realise its Emily but only now she is wearing a white dress and her hair is pushed over her face whilst making indescribable noises.
Lucy asks “Are you ok, Emily?” she simply responds in a strangled tone “Emily’s not here anymore” before she clambers to her feet and charges towards Tom whose holding the camera, pushing him with an inhumanly force before everything goes black and all you are to hear are the whimpers of the scared girls.
There’s then a group shot of them back at the camp sat around the fire, this is when Tom tells the rest of the group about the curse that a little 8 year old girl with schizophrenia murdered her brother not far from the woods, and she supposedly ran into the woods before getting trapped and drowning in the lake. The stories say that her dark side still haunts the woods looking for new victims. He explains that it was meant to be a joke, but Jack is furious saying that it’s his fault that this is happening!
Lauren has been left alone and begins to hear strange noises, afraid she reaches for a torch but panics when the battery isn’t working, she then questions “Who’s there?” but there’s no reply, she then smacks the torch in hope that it will light up but when it comes on she is not so thankful as she is faced with Emily stood in front of her with an evil grin. The screen turns to complete darkness before you hear the painful screams of Lauren shouting for “Help!” before once again the silence is reinforced, the picture comes back and the camera focuses on the torch on the ground covered in blood.
The camera is a bit shaky and unsettled and the audience is only able to hear strange chilling sounds before the camera shows Tom being pulled into the dark helplessly screaming and scratching across the ground trying to get away.
The final scene is of Jack and Lucy stood with their back to the lake, the audience is able to see Emily standing behind Lucy before she puts her hand over her mouth and drags Lucy backwards into the water. The screen then cuts to Emily stood at the edge of the water with her head tilted to side with a sinister smile across her face, she’s hunched over looking almost lifeless, before she suddenly sprints towards the camera with a low chilling scream, the screen then turns dark and the title of the film comes onto the screen for the final shot.

Group Film Plot

A group of four friends, between the ages of 17-20 decide to go on a camping trip to celebrate the end of summer, before they all go their separate ways to college. They all decided that they would meet up at the Fermwood campgrounds at 5pm on Saturday; Tom chose these specific grounds as they hold a curse of a little 8 year old girl with Schizophrenia who lived nearby, but ran away to the woods after brutally killing her brother, there were rumours that she got trapped and drowned in the lake eight years ago, although her body was never recovered. This led to the tales that she supposedly she still haunts those woods, her dark side still hunting for new victims. Tom believed that this would be a good joke to scare the girls.
Just as Jack is about to leave his house, his parents explain that they have been invited out therefore Jack has to stay in and look after his 14 year old sister, Emily. Annoyed with the fact that they’ve ruined his plans he decides to go out to spite his parents, he waits for Emily to go to her room before sneaking out to his car; he then remembered that he left his torch behind, when running back into the house, it gave Emily a perfect opportunity to sneak into the car as she didn’t want to feel left out.
Once he arrives at the campsite, the three others have already set up, Jack gets out of his car to greet his friends and hug his girlfriend Lucy, this angers Emily as she’s jealous of the relationship that Lucy and Jack have, she storms out of the car bringing attention to her presence. Jack furiously shouts at Emily bringing her to tears, she runs off and hides from her brother. He goes the opposite way to calm himself down.
Back at the campsite The rest of the group build and light a fire for warmth as it begins to turn dusk, Tom takes out his camera to film the girls reaction when he reveals to them the curse, as he starts to film he notices a dark shadow lurking behind one of the trees, confused he brushes it off thinking that it’s all in his head. Jack decides to find Emily and apologise to her as he feels bad for the way he treated her, he begins to panic when he realises that she is nowhere in sight, he sprints back to camp to get the others to help, ruining Tom’s plans to tell the girls about the curse. They begin searching for Emily when all of a sudden Lauren notices a figure of a girl sat on the ground with her back towards them, she tells the group and as they approach the figure they realise its Emily but only now she is wearing a white dress and her hair is pushed over her face whilst making indescribable noises.
There is a chilling silence before Lucy asks “Are you ok, Emily?” she does not respond and when asked again by Jack she answers in a strangled tone “Emily’s not here anymore” as she says this she clambers to her feet and charges towards Tom who’s holding the camera, pushing him with an inhumanly force before everything goes black and all you are able to hear are the whimpers of the scared girls. We then see the group gathered around the fire confused as to what just happened, until Tom breaks the silence and tells the group about the curse explaining that it was only meant to be a joke.
Jack is livid with Tom and blames him for what has happened to his sister, he decides to get up and search for his sister alone as he feels that he can’t trust Tom anymore, but is followed by Lucy who tries to console him. The audience are then faced with a P.O.V shot of Emily watching Jack and Lucy through the trees. This pushes Emily over the edge and she sets back to camp to kill Lucy’s best friend Lauren, Emily waits until Tom leaves to get more wood. When alone Lauren hears are strange screechy noise, afraid she reaches for a torch but panics when the battery isn’t working, she then questions “Who’s there?” but there’s no reply, she smacks the torch in hope that it will light up but when it comes on she is not so thankful as she is faced with Emily stood in front of her with an evil grin. The screen turns to complete darkness before you hear the painful screams of Lauren shouting for “Help!” before once again the silence is reinforced.
Tom comes back after gathering wood to be faced with an empty campsite, confused as to where Lauren is he edges to where she was sat, he notices the torch flickering on the ground and as he approaches it he realises its covered in blood, in a stream of panic he runs for Jack and Lucy unaware he is being followed.
He runs through the trees and spots Jack and Lucy sat on the bank of the lake, just as he’s about to call them he becomes speechless when he hears the airy screeches surrounding him, he becomes terrified and starts sprinting towards the couple until he trips over, he crawls through the mud and is within touching distance of safety when he lets out a scream and is dragged back into the darkness, spooked as to what they just heard both Lucy and Jack stood up looking around, but they  couldn’t see anything.
Jack stands in front of Lucy protectively but is unaware that Emily is standing right behind her and taps Lucy on the shoulder as Lucy turns around Emily covers her mouth and pulls a sinister smile before violently dragging her into the water, Jack turns around after hearing the muffled screams only to be met by Emily standing at the edge of the water holding the bracelet that Jack had given Lucy on their anniversary, her head is titled to the side with an twisted smile on her face,  Jack is shocked and asks “What have you done Emily?” Emily replies unremorsefully “They had to go they were taking you away from me”.
Jack says coldly “This has to end, I’m so sorry Emily” before putting his hands around her throat and tightening his grip, a tear falls from Emily’s eye and breathlessly pleads “Jack please stop, it wasn’t me, I was possessed, stop!” he loosens his grip when he realises that his sister is back, she goes on to say tearfully “I’m so sorry I couldn’t control she was too powerful, I didn’t mean to do it, please forgive me!” Jack thinks over what his sister has said before stumbling back unable to control his emotions. He notices Emily curled up on floor seeming vulnerable, he can’t help but feel like he needs to be the protective older brother and goes over to console her explaining that it wasn’t her that did it.
The final scene is of Emily in her bathroom looking in the mirror, Jack shouts to her asking if she’s ok, Emily replies with a cheerful “Yes thank you, I’ll be down now” before you see her reflection in the mirror as being the possessed version of her, Emily pulls a menacing smile before she whispers “Don’t worry” then it fades to a black screen.