Wednesday 30 January 2013

Deprived Film Poster Analysis

Deprived Poster Analysis

Examine the film’s title. What does it suggest?

The title Deprived suggests that the girl in the main image is being deprived of something important and it is obviously causing he distress by the tears in the picture.

What is the main image (key art)? It is simple or multi-layered? Does it raise any questions about the film? Does it suggest or reinforce a central enigma (a mystery or unanswered question)?

The main image is of a girl crying hid behind a door but looking towards a layered photo of a being that is casting a shadow onto the door. This suggests that she is hiding from who/whatever is casting the shadow. The main image leaves us asking 
What is casting the shadow?
Why is the girl hiding from it? 
Why is the girl crying?

Does the poster employ iconography (identifying features) of a particular type of narrative or genre? Does it suggest a single genre or more than one?

There is no iconography used on this poster. However the tag line is in a ‘scary’ font this automatically related to the horror genre. Also along with the tears on the girls face also relates to fear and the horror genre.

Who are the film’s stars? How prominent are their names? (There are usually one or two main stars-- What difference might this make?)

In the billing block there are three actors names this makes the film have an automatic USP if these actors are well known to the audience.

Does the poster show the stars? Do they appear similar to other circulated images?What aspects are similar, what are different?

The only actress shown is the young girl, she is the main image therefore we presume that she is the main character and the first actress named in the billing block. The only other figure in the image is a silhouetted figure therefore we are unaware of the who the actor is.

If the main stars/actors are shown consider:
How they are positioned/illuminated. In Profile? Partly obscured by shadow?
Their facial expressions
Their style of dress
(if there is more than one) their relationship to each other.

Only one character is shown she is positioned behind a door, peaking through the gap showing us that she is hiding, also the fact that she is partly obscured by the shadow shows that she is hiding in the dark from something. Her facial expressions show that she is scared and only showing half her face shows that shes cowering away from something.

Does the poster carry the movie’s tagline? What is this? Does it suggest more than one meaning?

The movie’s tag line is ‘Jealousy is the grave of attention’ tells us that there is an underlying theme of jealousy in the film. Also ‘grave’ could suggest that there is going to be death in the film.

What are the credits on the poster? Find out if the producer and director are well-known. Do any other credits help to sell the film to a particular target audience?

The producers name is Skirrid Creations this is shown in the billing block.

What kinds of experience and pleasure are being offered to audiences? What is the film’s appeal? Who does the target audience appear to be?

The target audience appears to be between 15 - 30 both male and female, males are expected to enjoy horror genre films more than females however the fact that the main character is a female will attract more female audience members as they may be able to relate. The audience are left with an intellectual puzzle whilst looking at the poster as the images leave a few questions unanswered.

What does the film appear to have that marks out its difference from other films (the combination of stars, the concept)? Is the film high concept? Does it have a unique selling point ?

The combination of stars acts as a USP as it will draw in a wider audience.

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